Splendid! You have found your way to my personal collection of Scavenger Hunts for purchase.  All specially designed to reveal this magnificently enchanting town of New Orleans to you through a kaleidoscope of riddles, my favorite local spots, historical tidbits, and boozing opportunities*

Anyone can daydrink but, only you lucky Hunters can choose to do it while following along a curated Scavenger Hunt path chosen by the one and only Hunter (Booze is my middle name) Scavenge!  You will uncover intimate details about the beloved Crescent City all the while being introduced to the most precious gems she has to offer with your ‘go cup’ in hand, ready to toast to all your riddle solving victories.

It’s a marvelous day to be led astray!

Ever So Fondly Yours,

*P.S. Hunts lead you to the drinking opportunities, drink purchases are entirely left up to you, however. Additionally, we are working on a no boozing Hunt option…